Gummy smile is a dental condition that shows excessive gum tissue when smiling, we offer non-surgical treatments for smiles like these. Gummy smiles can vary from showing too much gum on top of the teeth to excessive gum growth at the back, and can be treated in a variety of ways. We prefer to treat gummy smiles after all adult teeth are grown in, so this service is recommended for adults with more developed smiles.
There are a variety of treatments for gummy smile, depending on patient circumstance. At Nichols, all gummy smile treatments are non-surgical, meaning minimized invasiveness and recovery time. TADS (Temporary Anchorage Devices) are small screws that go above the top row of your teeth and pull jaws upwards, minimizing gum visibility. TADS are considered an orthopedic service because they work with bone and create permanent changes. Spark Aligners are clear retainers that straighten patient teeth, making them virtually invisible. Metal braces use stainless steel bands, brackets, and wires to gently shift teeth over time. One or more of these services may be used when correcting gummy smile.
Ready to transform your gummy smile? Schedule a consultation today!